Whole School INSET day

September 2024

Learn how making can support the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills in all subject areas. 

Find out how the Maker{School} approach harnesses your existing curriculum to inspire creators, innovators and problem solvers.

The day will be tailored for your school, whether you are newly registered or already working towards your bronze, silver or gold award. 


There are two dates available: 2nd or 3rd September 2024.
The event is free - contact us to find out more or register your interest online.


INSET day 2024 flyer-1.pdf

If you are interested in booking a whole school INSET day but the September 2024 dates don't work for your school, please get in touch to discuss arranging an alternative date for 2024/25 or 2025/26.

Teachers and educators at a practical training session

What is maker education?

A growing movement internationally, maker education provides children and young people with the skills, knowledge and habits of mind to address real world problems using both high and low tech tools, materials and technologies. 

What is Maker{School}?

Maker{School}, from the University of Sheffield, supports primary and early years settings to develop their own maker-centred learning.  We've worked with teachers, researchers and maker education experts to develop a high quality and carefully structured programme. Whatever skills, experience or equipment you have, you can get started with Maker{School}.



Who is the event for?

The event is for early years settings, primary schools and special schools that are interested in developing their maker education. It is free for schools that have registered as a Maker{School} and those already working towards their bronze, silver and gold award. If you are new to Maker{School} or you just want to find out more please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Where can I learn more about Maker{Futures} and Maker{School}?

We help early years settings, schools, libraries, museums and community spaces develop their maker education provision. Have a look at our website and get in touch to find out more.

Will there be food and drink?

Light refreshments will be available throughout the event. Lunch is provided.

How do I get there?

The event is in the new Faculty of Social Sciences building in Sheffield - The Wave. Travel information including nearby car parks can be found on the University website.


The Stagecoach SuperTram link the railway station and the city centre directly to the University. Trams from the Station to the University run on the Blue route (destination "Malin Bridge"). Trams from the city centre to the University run on both the Blue and the Yellow routes. During the day, trams run every 10 minutes. 


Buses to the University are frequent and inexpensive. From the vicinity of the railway station, bus station and city centre you can take a variety of buses to the University, including services 51(A), 52(A) and 120.


Park and Ride is the easiest way for car drivers to travel to the University. There are Supertram Park and Ride sites at Nunnery Square (off A57 Parkway), at Meadowhall Interchange (M1, J34) and Middlewood (Hillsborough)

How many places can I book?

You can register all staff from your setting - please complete our EOI form and we will be in touch to confirm arrangements.