Seven principles of Maker{School}
Our principles guide all of our work and they will help you to become a Maker{School} - your way. The principles are taken as a whole and are interdependent. These principles help to nurture our Maker{Spirit}.
Juggling with multiple possibilities.
We do this by
Focussing on process over outcome.
Trying things differently.
We do this by
Asking what if? Taking risks and making mistakes.
Engaging deeply.
We do this by
Slowing down to think, reflect and refine.
Using our whole bodies.
We do this by
Thinking and learning by doing.
Caring about what we learn.
We do this by
Drawing on our interests and experiences.
Navigating the constraints and possibilities of the real world.
We do this by
Making concrete responses to genuine challenges.
Learning how to collaborate, support and lead.
We do this by
Seeking out and valuing the knowledge and expertise of our communities.
The Maker{Cycle}
As well as the seven principles, Maker{School} pedagogy uses the Maker{Cycle} to encourage iteration. This changes the learning approach from linear to cyclical, which in turn, helps to develop the Maker{Spirit} in areas like resilience and problem solving.
Find a problem or challenge and look carefully at it.
Think of ways to solve or respond to it
Make a model or create a response
Test it out
Look at ways to improve or develop
The Maker{Cycle} is designed to be used multiple times throughout a project or activity.
It used to be that if they did something wrong it would instantly go in the bin. Now they are like ‘I wonder if’ or ‘can you help’ and they keep trying to figure it out. I can honestly say that it is ‘Maker’ that has made the difference.
Three elements
Each element is included in a maker-project. They work together to facilitate deep engagement and nurture our Maker{Spirit}.
What are the three elements based on?
Exploration - based on social-constructivist principles of child-led, inquiry-based, collaborative learning.
Skill Builder - based on principles of direct instruction through teacher exposition and self-led tutorials.
Tinker Time - based on Freirean principles of taking action on real world challenges that matter to children and young people.
Maker{School} provides resources and examples for teachers whilst also supporting them to develop their own resources.
I was dreading the tinker time elements but that was the best! The children loved it. Super teamwork skills, loads of perseverance and resilience shown by the children.
How do we become a Maker{School}?
You can register your interest in becoming a Maker{School} and join our mailing list. Take a look at how our awards process works or get in touch with the Maker{Futures} team to find out more.