Evolving and advocating

Awarded to schools where the maker approach is an established pedagogical tool and the value of making is recognised throughout the school community.  A range of making covering all areas of the making curriculum are embedded.  A Gold Maker{school} provides support for other schools and contribute to publications and events.  Children are given opportunities to teach, support, and lead making.

Who is this for?

The gold award celebrates schools where the the principles of Maker{School} are evident in all aspects of school life.  At this level, Maker{school} principles will be at the heart of curriculum planning and whole school priorities.  

Each award builds upon the previous to help schools structure their development and achieve recognition for their progress.  Schools will usually have completed their silver award before working towards the gold.


Gold will be awarded to schools where:

Ready to become a Gold Maker{School}?

The process is simple and easy to complete.





You will need to complete a simple portfolio for each award.  Here's how....

Quick guide coming soon.

After submission

Once you have have completed and submitted your portfolio, it will be assessed by our experienced team.  Your school will be given feedback and the chance to make any changes needed before gaining your award.

You can share your portfolio with your school community and, of course, use it for your own professional development.

Whole school INSET days

How can the Maker{School} approach harness your existing curriculum to inspire creators, innovators and problem solvers?

Join us for your free INSET day at the University of Sheffield.